Note: This information is also included in the  grant application form.
Grants are generally made semi-annually in December and June. Applications will be accepted during the months of August – September and February – March, with the deadlines being September 30th and March 31st. Grant applications must be postmarked by the deadline or hand delivered to the Foundation office by deadline date. Grant applications may not be hand delivered or mailed to an individual Board member, nor may they be emailed. Grant-seekers are encouraged to review guidelines carefully, attend the Foundation’s workshops and then submit full proposals instead of letters of inquiry or exploratory appointments and phone calls. This gives the Board an opportunity to do their homework.
Applicants must submit 10 copies of each proposal with a cover letter signed by the board officer authorized to sign for the organization. The cover letter must contain the following statement: “We (I) certify that the information contained in this proposal is to the best of our (my) knowledge true and accurate and that the proposal is submitted with the Board of Director’s full knowledge and endorsement.”
Though it is not possible to accept applications via email, we have a commitment to paperwork reduction. Please double-side your copies when possible. We also discourage the use of unnecessary covers or folders. Thank you for doing your part to conserve our resources!
Evaluation Criteria
Applicants are encouraged to use the following criteria in developing their proposals. In determining the merits and priority of an application, particular consideration should be given to:
- The results of the Foundation’s annual community needs assessments.
- The degree of potential benefit to the community.
- The ability of the organization to achieve expected results.
- Community or affected neighborhood support of proposal.
- The long-term sustainability of the project.
- The scope of the target population.
The Foundation Board encourages sponsors of large projects to phase the completion and funding of their projects over a multi-year period.
Grant Applications Must Include:
(If any item is unavailable include a statement of explanation.)
- Cover letter signed by the Board officer authorized to sign for the organization.
- Checklist showing documents attached.
- An Internal Revenue Service letter confirming the agency’s tax-exempt status.
- Grant Application Form.
- Detailed Project Budget.
- Detailed Project Plans including timeline.
- Minimum two bids on work performed by independent contractors or consultants, and a minimum of two price quotes for purchases.
- List of the Board of Directors or Officers of all organizations on the application.
- Organization Budget.
- A complete financial statement (audited if available) for the most recent fiscal year and a copy of the agency’s most recent IRS Form 990.
Grant-seekers need not contact members of our Elected Board regarding the grant process. The Foundation’s Project Funding Committee will answer questions and assist you in completing the application forms, and we encourage your inquiries.
A sample application is here: CCF_example_grant_with_budget
To set up an appointment for assistance call: 787-9708.
Contact Information
Telephone: 510-787-9708
FAX: 510-787-1346
Postal address:
P.O. Box 155
Crockett, CA 94525
Electronic mail:
Webmaster: (